Step by to wish you'll have a fantastic year-end and entry is mejor.Un abrazo.Mi new wish is to meet you all again here.
Today has been 6 years without seeing, the time I lost trying to forget and still not succeed. If it's not an obsession to have you present at every moment of my life when my heart feels pain there appear, as radiant and beautiful, with pretended love that as well or that at some point and then felt a light wind took him to other directions. The security that you feel I have not felt again, remember when we walk down that alley was totally dark and we stopped in the middle of the street to kiss, no matter that people spend alone you existed for me, we walked hand in hand for all cities regardless of the comments people, I felt so good about yourself.
said you could not give the financial support they needed, my character was not what you wanted, those words were echoing in my memory, a year later I learned that you were with a woman much older than you. She was not any good but I gave that stability you wanted, it hurt like you can not imagine to see in this picture holding her, that day in the office tried to make me strong, went to the bathroom to mourn 5 tears and returned to my desk, endured all day, coming out, I went to a bar and bought a quarter of whiskey and went to the house of a friend told him to get out, he knew me and asked no questions, walk aimlessly and silently. In one corner uncap the bottle and drank without stopping, I felt like taste so bitter that flooded my being, my heart ached, I had cold blood, it hurt so much. My friend accompanied me, we drank, we sang, we cried, we watched as dawn smoking in front of your photo, try to forget he was sick with you in an altar.
From that night on I was only a shadow, a shadow of the woman I loved, I walked all the bars in town, I wrote endless letters never sent, I cried like I have not mourn , cried your absence, your memory and love this damn burning my soul. I searched other lips the taste of your own, give thousand roses and broken promises, I put the body and soul and my best attempt to go back to love but did not happen.
remember the last call I made, I said hello and said my name, someone grabbed the phone and said "they sink yours, and leave us in peace "..... was the last time I dialed your number, 53913042.
One day I woke up without feeling pain, and decided to write this blog to our history and say thank you because you taught me what love is, thank you because you showed me all I can come to love, because it appears in the prime of my life and you gave me a reason to sigh. If I were born again to be your girlfriend, you may let me come back but I do not care it was worth it, my first love, my angel of the sea.
"Shooting Star"
Eleven of the night : drinking water and looking for something to do with the TV face of happiness, a sweet taste in the mouth and heart much love waking up, review every kiss, every caress given, every word you and your beautiful image in the head reelin .
Midnight: Ok. Try to sleep.
Two in the morning: listen to music in another room of the hotel, blaring that song: "the man I love knows that I love takes me in his arms and I forget everything" (a sigh escapes me, for women I love you ....) and a great outcry with which I wanted to sing to the man she loved. You hear the voice of the hotel in charge of submitting to the lady to order, try to ignore the discussion and change position in bed.
Three in the morning: The phone rings someone in someone's room, the conversation spreads and the dream that disappears completely shocked. But, I sleep, I need energy for tomorrow. Change the savannah, the pillow and drink some more water. Three forty
am: Too much water, I get up. Back to bed to try to sleep again. Four
am: My cell phone vibrating. Wrong number. If! that good! almost dawn and I can not sleep. Five
am: better go bathe. Six
am: The Warner Channel if you have good series to start the day. The worst thing about getting up early after not sleeping, is very hungry and know that at that time is not breakfast anywhere nearby. A little more water? Yes. Seven
am: attack of nerves, and is coming! Start the countdown! While waiting for your call, waiting for that knock on the door. Hair combed every five minutes, double application of deodorant, a little more perfume, ordered some bed and wait. I see the clock every three minutes and time is eternal.
Eight-fifteen in the morning: Your call "and go there" . Now I see the clock every two minutes. Knock on the door, perfectly beautiful woman, giving good morning, a big hug. I see it: loose hair, bright eyes, waist where I can getting lost whole days and those lips so exquisitely delicious.
You, the reason for my sleepless nights, my long wait, and this love so great it makes me miss you even more.
In the bag: a pink, music, incense, candles, going over every word I say to ask him to be my girlfriend. Came with more than an hour late and when I saw did not know what to say. Should be careful, think about the right time to say those four words that would start that something more than friendship. Why was I so nervous? Why am I sweating hands? For what she felt an emptiness in the stomach and the heart beating so fast? Surely he looked forward to the answer to my question. I tried to find the right time, in the car, could not, walking, I dared not in the room, I was not the voice, after the kiss, I was afraid that my proposal is to do away so I do not dare. What time
drew the rose? and music? incense? That seems very artificial and planned so was discarded. Want to sound romantic, but honestly, without falling into retail kitsch, thought better of it in simple words and forgot about the speech.
talks stretched as much as I could, I ventured to give the rose, took his hand and prepare my words surprised me by telling me a joke that left me completely disarmed. A fresh start. I looked for another time and did not find it, try saying something that I marked the way into the conversation but nothing.
nerves were becoming more intense, the more time I spent more clouded head, were about to leave the room when I took her hand and said "you be my bride?" Following the second made me forever. I just thought, "tell me anything, anything," and the time when I was stopped I heard: "If my love." I kissed her all the love, I hugged her and felt like embraced the whole universe with all its beauty, with the inexplicable and that spark of life that is not only a great blessing. Thanks
love that yes, Thank you for your tenderness, your love, your patience, thanks for these two months full of joy and special moments.